Sovereign Women Change the World


Embrace Your Wild empowers  visionary women to reclaim and embrace all parts of themselves, master their emotions + energy, take up space and be seen in their fullest expression in relationships and business. When you show up powerfully and authentically every day for yourself, you can show up for your biggest visions.

Through radical self-acceptance, feminine embodiment practices, and a deep connection to self, the Embrace Your Wild Method opens up a channel for ultimate sovereignty in mind, body and spirit. You are the key to cultivating more impact, more wealth and living a life of your fullest expression.  


The Sovereign Woman


Embrace Your Wild | Go Deeper

1:1 Mentorship + Coaching

Heal your relationship with your emotions, body, and inner wisdom through 1:1 Embodied Feminine Leadership Coaching and healing work. Learn to take up space unapologetically and become the master of your energy so you can lead yourself through any life circumstance.  

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1:1 + Group Retreats

Disconnect from your daily life and dive deep with total immersion in sacred Sisterhood or 1:1  in breathtaking locations. Replenish, heal, and quantum leap by embodying your FULL SELF, seeing yourself in a new way, challenging  your fears, and coming home to your body. 

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Goddess Portraits

See yourself through a new perspective. Embody your inner Goddess and allow yourself to be feminine, sexy, and present in your body FOR YOU, not for others. Enjoy being with yourself, the music, your body, and opening up your senses while we capture the magic. The result is deep healing, empowerment, and rewriting decades of inner narratives about your body image and self-worth. 

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It wasn't always like this


Hi! I'm Savannah Joy. I'm here to empower you to remember that YOU are your own best medicine. That you always know the right next step. That you always have been and always will be worthy and more than good enough. 

I used to take up as little space as possible, keep the peace at all costs, and spent way too long in a corporate job that sucked my soul. Through my wild awakening and untaming I have finally given myself permission to step into my soul's purpose of empowering women to fully embrace and embody their version of wild through a unique coaching methodology that integrates embodiment, sensuality, spirituality, energy work, sound healing and Goddess portrait sessions to radically experience your full power in new ways. 

Ready To Embrace Your Wild? Click Here


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